Agencies Nailing the SEO Side of Shifting eCommerce Inventory

Agencies, join our power-packed webinar and acquire on-point SEO strategies for your client sites’ content, structure, and more - without compromising rankings or sales conversions.

We’re bringing SEO and digital marketing experts together to walk you through proven tactics to handle seasonal trends, holidays, shipping delays, pricing shifts, and product demand fluctuations. Make the most of expert technical SEO advice to maintain a strong SEO foundation and a steady organic traffic flow to your clients’ sites during inventory adjustments.

Come out thriving in a volatile world of eComm inventory!

Meet The Experts


Arsen Rabinovich, Digital Marketer, SEO Coach, Founder, TopHatRank

He’s a successful founder of a nationally recognized brand with teams all over the U.S. The company provides innovative digital marketing tactics for modern brands of all sizes, in a wide range of verticals like eComm, entertainment, tech, and more. 


Aleyda Solis, International SEO Consultant, Founder, Orainti 

As a specialized boutique SEO consultancy firm founder, an active blogger for platforms like Search Engine Land, Search Engine Journal, and Moz, a seasoned speaker who has graced over 100 conferences in 20 countries, and the author of "SEO, Las Claves Esenciales," Aleyda brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to SEO.


Why This Matters

This is your agency’s chance to get first-hand expert knowledge, techniques and best practices and apply them directly to your SEO strategies to achieve optimal results for your clients’ sites in an ever-changing eCommerce landscape.   

What We'll Cover


Content and structure optimization techniques


Insights on leveraging technical SEO to ensure smooth navigation


Actionable keyword research and optimization takeaways


Best practices for managing inventory-related URL changes and redirects


Tips for optimizing product descriptions and metadata